I recently purchased this poster because I absolutely adore this movie. But what I love and hate about this poster is the complete and utter ambiguity it causes as a result of the Twilight phenomenon. I will be truly impressed at friends who can tell me which Edward this poster is referring to. (Here's a hint: he doesn't sparkle in the sun.) Okay, this is a little unfair for people who have never even heard of the film.... This is a poster for Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands (1990). I love Tim Burton's work and this is one of my favorite films. This poster is fabulous because it's so happy and colorful and Edward's classic dinosaur and ballerina hedges are showcased. (For those of you who haven't seen the film, here is some of Edward's work in the garden:)
(left) Edward, smiling, standing next to his T-Rex hedge. (below) Edward in the garden outside of his inventor's mansion.
Edward Scissorhands - played by a young Johnny Depp - is the creation of an inventor (Vincent Price). His inventor died before he could give him hands, so Edward was left with scissors for hands. When a local Avon lady meets Edward living alone in the inventor's mansion she invites him to come live with her and her family. As you can imagine, Edward's differences make him the topic of much town gossip, and he goes from being loved to being hated when his scissorhands end up doing more bad than good.
Edward means well, but he can't help it if he gives you a small cut on the face or he bursts your water bed. His innocence and naivete is what makes him so compelling and so root-for-able (sorry, couldn't find a better way to put that). Edward Scissorhands is such a fantastic character, which is why I find it sort of annoying that fifteen years after the film came out, a completely new Edward came and took all of Edward's attention. I know I was bashing "Mr. Sparkly" aka "Edward Cullen" aka "Robert Pattinson" aka "Spunk Ransom," but I will admit that I'm not actually an anti-Twilight or anti-Edward (Cullen) person - see, I don't hate R Patz, if I did, then why would I know his crazy nicknames? (And I'm actually the biggest Kristen Stewart fan.) I just wish both Edwards could be equally recognized nowadays.
Both of the stories are so interesting and fantastical. They have their differences, but I actually believe that there are a lot of similarities between the two stories (please forgive me for not retelling the Twilight story, I'm sure you've all heard it retold a million times).
Both characters are young, immortal Edwards who find true love for the first time in their lives.
They are both outcasts - okay, so they're outcasts for different reasons: Edward C gets stared at because of his unmatchable good looks, while Edward S gets stared at because he has scissors for hands. They both do, however, cause lots of trouble for their loved ones without meaning to. Edward C puts Bella Swan into lots of situations involving other vampires who want to suck her blood.
Edward S falls for Winona Ryder's character, Kim, and he quickly charms her with his kindness and innocence. He loves her, but he can't help hurting her - the guy has scissors for hands! Both Edwards understand how dangerous they are, and they are willing to keep those they love away to keep them safe: When Bella gets hurt Edward C advises her to stay away from him for her own safety. When Edward S realizes the pain he's caused he moves back to his mansion at the top of the hill. The Edwards are also the first to step in if anyone threatens to hurt their loved ones. Both guys are sensitive and they both remain completely devoted and very protective of whoever they love.
Even though I see the parallels between the two, I have to admit that I like Edward Scissorhands best. He's the sweetest guy and he could give me a haircut if I asked him!
**I know I haven't written in a while - what has it been, like, 6 months or something? Well, anyway, I've been crazy busy and I will hopefully get back to actually writing things. It's one of my new-school-year resolutions and hopefully I'll actually do it. :)