Saturday, March 26, 2011

Video(s) of the (past four) Month(s) >> December 2010, January 2011, February 2011, March 2011

Wow, way to get behind on posting, I know. I'm four months behind on my video of the month series, so here goes.

Video of the Month
December 2010

Black Keys
Your Touch

This song shows up at the end of Zombieland. Two awesome things put together. I'm surprised the universe hasn't exploded.

Video of the Month
January 2011

Dr. Dog
The Ark

Video of the Month
February 2011

We're Desperate

Video of the Month
March 2011

The XX

I'll just let the music speak for itself for this one.

I'll do my best to post something soon. I really need this - blogging, that is - it's a fantastic stress reliever. I'll get back to y'all ASAP. :)