Friday, February 17, 2012

First YouTube vid! First's the worst... so look forward for the second, it'll most likely be better.

I promise that I'll get around to making this video a lot prettier eventually. But until then, please enjoy the audio track. This is my first Garage Band attempt.

True that... true this:

"We knew, finally, that the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them."

--Jeffrey Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides --

I have yet to find another quote that describes young men and women this accurately.

Look out world, here I come.

Ever since I first heard "Introdiction," this lyric has both amused me and seriously influenced my outlook on life. 

Why am I always so late to find these amazing shows...?

I recently discovered Supernatural, and I've been Netflixing it to the ends of the earth. (No, Netflixing isn't a verb -- but yes, it should be). Anyways, once I make it through the first season, I'll choose (and hopefully get) my top 3-5 favorites of these amazing minimalist posters I found.

(For those of you who are interested, this is as far as I've gotten into the season. The posters below are for episodes I have yet to watch.)

Be sure to check out for more awesomeness. Also... check out this amazing tumblr: I've been starting to really dig minimalist posters lately.

That awkward moment...

That awkward moment when this ( is $24 and this ( is $6.

You're welcome, guys.