Thursday, May 31, 2012

SUBMARINE. This feels like a UK Wes Anderson film. Go watch it.

Also... Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys made an EP for the film. Go forth and listen.
"Because I'm a lazy hipster and I still use Blogger, god dammit!" ~ me, on "why [I] no use tumblr" xD

And with that, she fell in love with some random San Diego hombre.

Stop being gorgeous, KStew. Just stop it already.

(Cannes 2012)

(Cannes 2012)

Long live KStew and her amazing Balenciaga pants. Screw any and all haters out there. She and her pants are wonderful <3

Song of the day...

...because...pretentious assholes. That's why.

Might as well be upbeat and cheery about it :)

(Also, it's a great song. Simple as that.)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Teenage Romance = This Song

Who are we to be emotional?
Who are we to play with hearts and throw away it all?
Oh, who are we to turn each other's heads?
Who are we to find ourselves in other people's beds?

Oh, I don't like the way I never listen to myself
I feel like I'm on fire, I'm too shy to cry for help
Oh, I don't think you know me much at all

This love is be and end all
This love will be your downfall
This love is be and end all
This love will be your downfall

I'm feeling down about this love

Who are you to make me feel so good?
Who are we to tell ourselves that we're misunderstood?
Oh, who am I to say I'm always yours?
Who am I to choose the boy that everyone adores?
Oh, I don't see a reason why we can't just be apart
We're falling on each other like we're always in the dark
Oh, I don't think you know me much at all, at all

This love is be and end all
This love will be your downfall
This love is be and end all
This love will be your downfall
This love is be and end all
This love will be your downfall

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

When people ask for advice on or opinions about hypothetical situations, the situations usually aren't hypothetical. People are way too selfish to talk about what could possibly be happening to others when they could bitch about their own problems.

Also... if a person is indeed speculating the outcomes of a hypothetical situation, remember that hypothetical situations are pointless to consider. There are simply "too many imponderables."