I took these pictures at 5:00 in the morning.
I backed up to take this one. The (blurry) clock says 5:06!
I took more pictures at 7:00 (AM) when my parents woke up.
Here’s our backyard.
I thought the big tree in our backyard was gorgeous! :
As you’ve probably noticed with my pictures of snow, I have 2 main indicators of how much snow there was.
Indicator 1: the grill.
Indicator 2: our neighbor’s chairs.
And here’s a third indicator! The light fixture on our back porch!
Look at the snow on these trees!
I took some more pictures at around 11:00 AM.
I just loved how the snow was settled on the tree branches. Isn’t it beautiful?
So how long did it take for the snow to melt?
Here’s our porch and the trees in our front yard at 11:00 AM – shout-out to the awesome flags from Gma C!
Here are those same trees – two hours later – at 1:00 PM.
The snow’s all gone!!!!!!
Here are some more trees:
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
All the snow melted – the weather changes so quickly out here! I just stepped outside, and it smells like spring! It’s just crazy.
In other news: I was in my mom’s study today, and I was looking at her Hello Kitty calendar. Tell me if you think Hello Kitty is flipping us off.
Here’s a close up:
When three or four fingered illustrations hold up a finger like that, you have to wonder which finger they’re really holding up. Is Hello Kitty telling us to be quiet, or is she telling us something entirely different?
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