Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm so busy that I can't even pronounce things correctly!

Nothing much has been going on lately. By nothing, I mean “a lot of nothing”, which basically means I’ve been busy with things that aren’t all that exciting. Last week was insane. I just realized that I have the craziest schedule.

· Monday > violin lesson at 7 PM.

· Tuesday > yoga class (which whoops my butt, might I add).

· Wednesday > soccer practice.

· Thursday > my one free day of the week (but I think I might go out running sometimes...).

· Friday > piano lesson at 4:45 (yes, I have to go to my piano lesson on a Friday – sucks for me).

I’m sure it could be much worse, and it almost was! Last Wednesday I went to the SGA (Student Government Association) meeting after school. It was crazy! The teachers in charge wanted a packet of handouts with parent signatures and two teacher recommendations in two days! The following Tuesday our speeches would be due and we would have to start campaigning. It’s an all year commitment, and since I’m usually involved in my school’s drama department, it would be virtually impossible for me to run. Of course, however, no sane decision must go unpunished, as the director of our school’s news station would show me. The director – let’s call him Mr. W – has been trying to get me on the air for the past few weeks. Last summer I went on a trip to India, and I brought in a PowerPoint and a speech about my trip. He’s been trying to get me to bring in summer photos from this past summer. This year, I went on a road trip to Oklahoma and Texas – which was way less exotic, but just as fun – but I couldn’t seem to find any good footage from the trip (photo, video, or otherwise). There was a video that my dad took of two baby armadillos playing (as opposed to how armadillos are usually found, which as I’m sure you know, is as road-kill), but somehow I couldn’t picture it on our news show. (**I’ll probably post the armadillo video soon, stay tuned.)

Since I never got back to him with pictures or videos from my vacation, Mr. W decided to have me be a Special Reporter for the SGA upcoming campaigns. I never thought it would be a problem for me, but apparently it was. I got the paper the day before I would read it on the air, and when I read it the night before, I seemed to have a problem pronouncing Special Reporter (I’m not sure why, I guess it just got me tongue-tied). I didn’t notice it as a problem though, because I knew I would be able to pull it off during the show. The following morning, when I got to the television studio, Mr. W told me and all of the other guest speakers to read over our scripts. I read mine without a problem. I got on the air, confident as could be, and read the first sentence. I hit that deadly phrase, and stuttered ‘Special Reporter’ in as many ways as it could possibly be stuttered. After four or five attempts (I was live, stuttering on the school’s television show, let me remind you) I gave up and went, “Bleh!” and made a face (it was very charming, believe me). My face grew flushed as I finished reading the speech. And wouldn’t you know it? I had problems saying ‘special message.’ (You have to admit, special message is harder than Special Reporter. Just try saying either of those 10 times fast!)

In other, less embarrassing news, I have recently become obsessed with the show Glee! If you haven’t seen it, it’s a new TV show about an optimistic teacher, Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison), who attempts to save McKinley High's Glee Club from obscurity, while helping the new Glee Clubbers realize their true star potential.

Every week they pump out new songs (singing them better than their original performers). I can hardly believe there have only been three episodes so far, I feel like I know all of the characters already. This past week, one of the characters, Mercedes, got an awesome solo. Her cover of Jazmine Sullivan’s ‘Bust Your Windows.’

Also, there’s great background music too. There’s this part in the latest episode where Puck (a cougar-loving high school football player) is describing his pool business (which he started with the sole purpose of finding cougars). The song playing in the background is awesome, I’ve heard it numerous times, but it took an episode of Glee for me to finally find it. I can only assume it’s Puck’s theme-song. I think it’s fitting.

1 comment:

  1. Yo, Izabix, (I think that's how you spell it) How r u? FRED made a music vid!

