Monday, September 21, 2009

It happened again...

Okay, in my last posting the phrase that I had an issue saying was: ‘special message,’ not ‘special reporter.’ (**Just try saying ‘special message’ 10 times fast, you'll see what I mean.) Today I went on the news show again and couldn't say the exact same things. It happened all over again.

I wonder if this will turn out like my spelling bee flub. When I was in sixth grade, I won the spelling bee at my middle school (I beat all the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders). But in seventh grade, I was runner-up because I had crammed so many word spellings into my head that I forgot how to spell "cannibal." (That's an unfortunate word to lose on, isn't it?) The next day in my World Studies class my teacher was having problems spelling cannibal (we were studying sacrificial rituals of the Incas and Mayans). I almost called out to help him spell it, but I was worried that I’d mess up on its spelling again. I still doubt my ability to spell it.

I guess now I can never say ‘special reporter’ or ‘special message’ on the air. I know that that’s a little extreme, but it’s going to become routine. I have to go on the air at least one more time – and I will probably have to say ‘special reporter’ and ‘special message’ – so hopefully I can break the routine then. If not, I think I’m stuck as “that ‘special-message’ girl.”

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