Saturday, September 26, 2009

A special message about "special messages"....

In case you were wondering, I ended up not having to risk embarrassing myself on the news show at my school. Yes, this is a special message on my ‘special message’ problem. Luckily, this past Thursday, I did not have to go on the air and announce the SGA (Student Government Association) candidates. Maybe time will solve my ‘special message’ flub, but fortunately, I didn’t have to make a quick recovery and say it a third time.

1 comment:

  1. Bixsters-
    I've been digging this group Pomplamoose, a very cool duo who appear to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't think they have a commercial CD, but produce youtube videos of their music making. You can also buy their music on itunes. They can be goofy, but Nataly Dawn, whose absolutely beautiful, has a mesmerizing voice. I especially like her rendition of "My Favorite Things", which can be heard here:
