Thursday, November 5, 2009

I tried out

I've been trying to get music on my blog for such a long time!! So I was ecstatic when I found The other day, my friend showed me her Gaia account (for those of you who don't know, Gaia is an online avatar site) and she had a music playlist on the sidebar of her profile page. I asked her where she'd gotten it, and she told me that she'd gotten it from

So today I visited the site, got an account, and put together a playlist. But, unfortunately, the site disappointed me. I realized that the site didn't have half of the songs I wanted to post. (I wasn't that surprised, I guess I'm too indie for them!!) So here's my "Pining Playlist." {Pining, as in, pining for someone.} Here's the playlist, along with the songs that the site didn't have.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

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