Sunday, November 1, 2009

A lot of U2 all of a sudden....

For some reason, I’ve been talking a lot about Bono and Edge (or “the Edge”) from U2 recently. It all started when I saw a fantastic documentary, It Might Get Loud, in which the director got Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin), the Edge (U2), and Jack White (White Stripes) together to talk about playing guitar and music in general. The film was great.

Well, in the documentary there’s a scene where there’s a video clip of the Edge is doing yoga. It’s funny because he’s checking his messages on his Blackberry while he’s doing poses. He says something like, “This is yoga, the Edge style.” So when I was in my yoga class this week, my instructor – who always starts off the class with a theme, idea, story, or person – started talking about U2 (specifically Bono). While we were in the middle of holding some insane pose, she started talking about how Bono must do yoga, because he seems like such a cool guy. Someone else in the class said, “I bet the Edge does yoga.” Then this girl on the mat in front of me added, “I bet he does it while he’s using his Blackberry.” What a coincidence! I’m guessing she’d seen the documentary because how else would she have come up with that?

I thought that was a major coincidence, so I told my parents and my uncle and cousin (who were visiting at the time). About a day into their visit, my uncle and cousin and I went to the Friends of Library bookstore, which is a used book store at my local library. {I got The Black Dahlia – I’d wanted to see the film when it came out, but my mom said I couldn’t see it, because at the time, I was too young – and a collection of essays by David Rakoff entitled, Fraud.} I was about to go to buy my books, but my uncle stopped me to show me a book he’d found. The book was U2 by U2 – it’s this huge book about the band, it’s really awesome!!

So U2 was a really big thing there for a while. I haven’t listened to anything by them in a long time, so I’m glad that it got me thinking about their music again.

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