Sunday, November 22, 2009

Some music I got from the iTunes podcast, KEXP Song of the Day

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Here's a playlist I've put together of songs I've gotten from an iTunes podcast called KEXP Song of the Day. The playlist literally gives you a free song every weekday!!!

My favorite song in this whole playlist is the last one, "I Say Fever" by Ramona Falls. My dad told me he thought it sounded a lot like Depeche Mode. I just think it's a really cool song. You can't tell half of what he's saying, but it doesn't really matter, it just has a neat sound.

Here are the lyrics, in case you're wondering what he's saying (I got these from

Before she met me she took herself to wait five years
After I met her, her teacher said best wait five years
I ask my neighbors, they said it's wise to wait five years

I say fever

I tell the friend how I'm feeling and listening her sad (side)
Cause she feels that no man will ever desire her so bad (back)
How dare I feel this and do not but sit on my hands

I say fever

Ow(n)ed my heart like a hot potato
Push the cart for an (ovulata)

This is just to code to decipher
Found the plowman chased the piper

That is up to you
That's all now
These are the one's who talk

Never (leki - lucky?)
Leads her to kiss him

(To close) five years go by and we are no longer here
I blame myself to for not taking steps to drawn her near
Try to decide what to do now based on love not fear

I say fever

Fo(u)r years


Crazy right? Even the person who posted the lyrics wasn't quite sure what the guy was saying!

Here's the video of "I Say Fever" by Ramona Falls

Most of the songs from my original playlist are posted above, but here are some that I couldn't find on

Beirut - The Akara

Lusine - Two Dots

Grand Hallway - Raindrops

The Heavy - How You Like Me Now?

I'll probably publish another post within the next few weeks. Probably a movie review or something of the like. !@#$%^&*()

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