Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's Eve!

2009 has been amazing, but it feels like it went by so fast, doesn't it? We're about to start a new decade! I'm turning 14 this coming January, but even I had to step back and think about all the time that's passed. What did you do this year? What did you see? What did you learn? I know it sounds corny, but like Thanksgiving, New Years is a great time to think about what you're thankful for. Except, on New Years, you have more things to take into consideration than you did on Thanksgiving. As well as being thankful for the bare essentials and the people who are close to you, you also have the opportunity to be thankful for all the places you've been, all the people you've seen, all the things you've experienced, etc. over the past year.

With that in mind, please enjoy these fireworks >> pour l'occasion.

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