This is the view from my bedroom window – yes, my bedroom is over the garage, and yes, during the winter it is very cold!
My parents did an awesome job clearing the driveway, didn’t they? (Helpful daughter that I am, when I learned that I’d be getting two days off from school, I slept in till two in the afternoon.)
Another view from my bedroom window, that’s my neighbor’s front yard.
This is our back porch. We had to clear a walkway for my dog so that he could get down to the yard. (I have a toy poodle, and he can have trouble walking around in four inches of snow, so he would have been helpless compared to the two and a half feet we got here!) As a result, on either side of the walkway there are three or four feet of snow!
Another view of my back porch – look at that snow!
And look at our grill!
Here’s my neighbor’s back yard. Do you see those chairs?
This is our back yard gate and our neighbor’s back yard gate. You can usually see twice as much of them.
Don’t worry, that window is the window to my neighbor’s basement, it isn’t a regular window! We didn’t get 12 feet of snow!
My toy poodle, Charlie, hanging out in my room, staying warm:
The snow makes him sleepy!
Actually, he’s always sleepy.
I woke him up to get this shot of him, and as you can see, he’s pretty disoriented when he wakes up. (It didn’t help that the flash was on! Sorry, Charlie!)
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